Ocean Engineering

Virginia Tech offers courses toward the Master of Science degree in Ocean Engineering (Naval Engineering) concentrating on naval ship design and related topics. Courses will be offered using an internet only delivery method. There will be both synchronous (two-way, live communication between student and professor) and asynchronous (downloadable, prerecorded lectures) components. Presentation materials will be packaged into downloadable modules that you can view at your convenience. One hour each week, there will be a live internet meeting of the class where you can interact with the professor. During this session, the professor will present interactive materials, answer questions on the lectures, go over homework, etc. You will need access to an internet connection, a computer with speakers, and a microphone (a headset is a highly recommended option). The software required for this connection will be a browser plug-in that we provide. Instruction is by both faculty and practicing professionals.
Thirty credit hours are required for the M.S. degree. The coursework must include four core courses (12 credits). These will be offered on a two year rotation, one each in the fall and spring semesters. (Some may be offered more often.) The suggested load is 1 or 2 courses per semester. A final comprehensive oral exam will be required of all students upon completion of the degree requirements.
Students are required to complete one of two tracks:
Track A - Master of Science Thesis
- Students must complete 9-12 credits of approved electives.
- Students must complete 6-10 credits of AOE 5994: Research and Thesis.
- Students must complete a master's thesis on a topic agreeable to both the student and an academic advisor.
- Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits of graded course work numbered 5000 and higher.
- A maximum of 6 credits of AOE 5974: Independent Study and AOE 5984: Special Study is allowed.
- A maximum of 6 credits of approved 4000 level course work is allowed.
Track B - Master of Science Non-Thesis
- Students must complete 18 credits of approved electives.
- Students must complete 6 credits of AOE 5904: Project and Report or take AOE 5315-5316: Naval Ship Design***.
- Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits of graded course work numbered 5000 and higher.
- A maximum of 9 credits of AOE 5974: Independent Study and AOE 5984: Special Study is allowed.
- A maximum of 6 credits of approved 4000 level course work is allowed.
*If AOE 4274: Computer-Based Design of Ocean Structures has already been taken, then one of the following two courses must be substituted: AOE 5024: Vehicle Structures or AOE 5374: Rationally-Based Design of Ocean Structures.
**It is strongly recommended that students who wish to take AOE 5314: Naval Ship System Design and Effectiveness, first take AOE 4264: Principles of Naval Engineering.
***Students must take both AOE 5315 and AOE 5316 to meet the 6 unit Capstone Naval Ship Design Project or take 6 units of AOE 5904: Project and Report.
Department Admission Deadlines
- Spring deadline: September 1st
- Fall deadline: December 30th
Additional Fees
An Engineering Fee will be charged per semester of enrollment. Please view the Tuition and Fee Rates published by the University Bursar.
(CIP 14.2201)